Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Message From The Agency

This is an utterly urgent message which we are relying on you to treat extremely seriously. We understand that you will experience the urge to delete what we have posted here, believing it to be fraudulent. However, we will provide evidence of foreknowledge of future events. We will provide unrefutable evidence that we are knowledgable with hidden matters that you know nothing about. ie: Black budget programs.

We emphatically implore you to get this message out for us. Please, spread it far and wide. We understand the viral nature of the Internet, as our team is registered with (and monitors) many of the Internet's alternative media and truth websites. We believe you (on the Internet) have the power to get this message out for us, "if you believe us" (which you must). We will post this message on as many forums as we can today, but we need (and are requesting) your help for the message to continue.

Please understand that if this message doesn't take off, there will be no second chance. We will not have the ability to try again. We repeat: This message must take off. There will be no second chances. We will lose access to the Internet for an unknown period of time in three hours from now and may not be able to access the Internet (properly) until January 2011.

We cannot reveal where we are based as we are in active duty working under an international program that you are not aware exists. For our own safety, and for the safety of our team, we sincerely cannot disclose anything about our service. We understand that this will cause skepticism, but we do have knowledge of two events that will occur by the end of this year, 2010. These events will verify that we are indeed "in the know", and that what we are saying is factual.

====Evidence (of our foreknowledge):

A fireball [will] enter the atmosphere this year. You will not miss it. It will glow green. It will most assuredly be televised on every news network across the globe. This fireball is not a meteor. It is part of a larger plan which will precede further artificial astronomical and atmospheric anomalies. The object has already been launched, and we understand that it cannot be turned back or stopped, which is why we couldn't release this information before today (but now can). We do not know the date of impact with Earth's atmosphere, except that it will be this year. We do know why it was launched, but we cannot fully reveal that information in this message.

If we had written this message before today, the object would not have been launched. But now that the object is on its way, there's no way for it to be turned back. However, it is necessary that the object is launched for reasons that we cannot disclose at this time. The information we are providing to you now is known by many in the scientific, military and black budget communities, and by certain branches of government. Our lives are not at risk by divulging this information, as many people know about it. We are divulging the information because we need to establish credibility (with you). We understand that you require some kind of evidence if you are to believe our message and requests.

When the fireball enters Earth's atmosphere, you must go inside and stay inside for no less than three days. You need three days supply of water, food and any medication you require, in your home. You need to make sure you do not need to leave your home for three days, for any reason. If it is imperative that you leave your secure area, you must stay out of sunlight. This message is for the entire population, world wide. The air will be ok for the most part, but you need to stay inside for reasons we cannot disclose. There's no reason to panic or be alarmed if you simply stay inside. Do NOT go outside for any reason. Do not open your doors. Keep them locked. Close the blinds. Keep a TV or radio on.

Once this event passes, you will know that you can take what we are saying now, seriously:

====The Event:

Within 12 months of the green meteor, four large portals will open in places equally separated across the globe. We do not know the exact dates that they will open. It might be right after the meteor. It might be after 12 months. We do not know the exact locations of all of them, except that they will be close to the equator. These are not fake portals (ie: conspiratorial illusions). They are previously extinct, natural portals. There will be a lot of anomalies around these portals once they're opened, so you will know where these portals are at that time.

They will not be overtly reported by news networks (as portals). Those that live within 100 miles of each portal will know about them, because activityy will be visible around the portals. However, populations will be moved away from these areas due to manufactured disasters created by agencies who want to secure these portals for themselves, try to keep them secret, and use them for their own purposes. They will move populations away from these areas at all costs. We are with an agency that is working to ensure that these portals are not hijacked, but we can't secure them until we know exactly where they all are.

What we need you to do is stay away from these portals, because at the time we secure the portals, it will not be safe to be near them due to conflict. Also, certain organizations will stop at nothing to keep the portals secret. We can't tell you where they are (because we don't know yet, precisely), except that those living near them will see them (and will be relocated), and that's how the locations will become apparent. You need to use the Internet to find and spread information about the locations. Once you know where they are, please stay away from them so that we can secure the portals. You must stay away from these portals. They are not inherently dangerous (themselves), and the activity around them will not be inherently dangerous, but a time will come when they will "attract" danger. We do not know exactly when that will be, so it's best to keep away from the portals.

Recap: Keep an eye out for populations being moved (there are 4 locations). Once you know where these areas are, post the information to the Internet along with the message that people need to keep away from these areas (for a radius of 100 miles). Do not go to these areas, because once conflict starts, it will be extremely unsafe and we cannot ensure anyone's safety. Nevertheless, we must secure the portals.


"The Agency" 

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